The view Angle of the calculator
Light spot size ={{camera. SpotSizeSmallUnits | number: 2}} {{camera. SubUnits2}}x{{camera. SpotSizeSmallUnits | number: 2}} {{camera. SubUnits2}}(*) based on IFOV the theoretical
{{camera. TargetSizeHorizontal | number: 2}} {{camera. TargetSizeHorizontalUnits}}
{{camera. TargetSizeVertical | number: 2}} {{camera. TargetSizeVerticalUnits}}
{{camera. CurrentDistance2 | number: 2}} {{camera. CurrentDistanceUnits}}
D: S *And light spot size ratio = = distance{{camera. DtoS | number: 0}} : 1
IFOV= instantaneous field of view Angle
* note: all the calculated values are approximation.D: S theoretical value (= 1 / IFOV) the theoretical value is based on the thermal imager detector array spacing and the lens focal length of light spot size is calculated.D: S measurements (= 1 / IFOV measurements) is to provide a more accurate spot size needed for the apparent temperature calculated value.Usually, D: S measured values than D: 2 to 3 times smaller S theoretical value, this means that the target temperature measurement range than calculated D: S theoretical value to determine the range of 2 to 3 times larger.© 2005-2015 雷竞技app雷电竞app下载官方版Fluke Corporation.All rights reserved.