Thermal imager

{{camera. SelectCameraDefaultText}}{{camera. CurrentCamera. Name | truncate: 18}}
  • {{CAM. The name}}

The lens

{{camera. SelectLensDefaultText}}{{camera. CurrentLens. Name | truncate: 18}}
  • {{lens. The name}}

Distance or points of light

{{camera. SelectCurrenTypeDefaultText}}{{camera. CurrentType | truncate: 18}}
  • {{the name}}


{{camera. SelectUnitsDefaultText}}{{camera. CurrentUnits. Name | truncate: 18}}
  • {{unit.and the name}}

Distance and spot size ratio

Note: IFOVThe theoretical valueAccording to thermal imager can detect the minimum target or view.IFOVMeasured valueAccording to thermal imager to calculate the temperature of the more accurate the minimum target.
Light spot size ={{camera. SpotSizeSmallUnits | number: 2}} {{camera. SubUnits2}}x{{camera. SpotSizeSmallUnits | number: 2}} {{camera. SubUnits2}}(*) based on IFOV the theoretical {{camera. TargetSizeHorizontal | number: 2}} {{camera. TargetSizeHorizontalUnits}} {{camera. TargetSizeVertical | number: 2}} {{camera. TargetSizeVerticalUnits}} {{camera. CurrentDistance2 | number: 2}} {{camera. CurrentDistanceUnits}} D: S *And light spot size ratio = = distance{{camera. DtoS | number: 0}} : 1 IFOV= instantaneous field of view Angle
* note: all the calculated values are approximation.D: S theoretical value (= 1 / IFOV) the theoretical value is based on the thermal imager detector array spacing and the lens focal length of light spot size is calculated.D: S measurements (= 1 / IFOV measurements) is to provide a more accurate spot size needed for the apparent temperature calculated value.Usually, D: S measured values than D: 2 to 3 times smaller S theoretical value, this means that the target temperature measurement range than calculated D: S theoretical value to determine the range of 2 to 3 times larger.© 2005-2015 雷竞技app雷电竞app下载官方版Fluke Corporation.All rights reserved.