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雷竞技appFluke Process Instruments family of products

Thermal imaging solutions

ThermoView TV30

ThermoView TV30 thermal imager

Can in the harsh environment monitoring temperature, without having to use computer equipment vulnerable.With multiple focus area (AOI) and personalized solutions, Thermoview TV30 flexible thermal imager can accurately detect anomalies.

ThermoView TV40 thermal imaging system

ThermoView TV40 thermal imager

ThermoView TV40 is a high performance industrial fixed thermal imaging system, through the provision of infrared and visible light streaming video, thus able to temperature data visualization, help deepen your understanding of the process.

Pi30 series thermal imager

Pi30 series on-line thermal imager

Pi30 series on-line thermal imager specifically designed for a variety of complex industrial production process and monitoring link, help users to optimize process quality, improve production efficiency.This product series has 640 x480 and 384 x288 two resolution specifications to choose from, and has a broad - 20 ° C to 2000 ° C temperature range, enable it to adapt to different application scenarios.

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