
雷竞技appFluke 700 PCK pressure calibration kit

  • 雷竞技appFluke 700 PCK Pressure Module Calibration Kit

Produc雷竞技appts overview: Fluke 700 PCK pressure calibration kit

Description:The 雷竞技appFluke 700 PCK top service it possible to calibrate your pressure modules at your facility using your own precision pressure standards.

Application:When installed on your PC, the WindowsT - -based software easily steps you through the an as - found verification, a calibration adjustment, and the an as - left verification. The calibration data is captured for import to the database. A 386 or better PC running Windows 3.1 or better is required, along with a precision pressure standard with an uncertainty of less than a quarter of that of the pressure module being verified.

Mode雷竞技appl: Fluke 700 PCK pressure calibration kit

雷竞技appFluke 700 PCK
雷竞技appFluke 700 PCK pressure calibration kit

Included: The kit consists of a power supply, an interface adapter, appropriate cables, and 雷竞技appThe Fluke 700 PC Pressure Module Calibration Software.

Giant: One year