雷竞技appFluke VPS420 -r oscillographic table test probe group, red/black, 100:1
The main features
- Color: red probe test line, black earth clamp
- Main functions: connection oscillographic table, etc
- Voltage variable ratio: 100:1
- The biggest test bandwidth: 150 MHZ
- Working voltage (the voltage between the probe tip and reference lead) : the CAT CAT III 2000 v / 1200 v IV
Produc雷竞技appts overview: Fluke VPS420 -r oscillographic table test probe group, red/black, 100:1
VPS420 -r oscillographic table test probe group, red probe test line, black earth clamp, voltage variable ratio: 100:1, the biggest test of bandwidth: 150 MHZ, working voltage (the voltage between the probe tip and reference lead) : the CAT CAT III 2000 v / 1200 v IV.
Mode雷竞技appl: Fluke VPS420 -r oscillographic table test probe group, red/black, 100:1
雷竞技appFluke VPS420 - R
Ruggedized High - Working ScopeMeter Voltage Probe Set
Red/black, 100:1, 150 MHz, the CAT CAT III 1000 v / 600 v IV, working voltage (the voltage between the probe tip and reference lead) : the CAT CAT III 2000 v / 1200 v IV.