雷竞技appFluke 700 ptpk2 pneumatic pressure test suite
The main features
- With雷竞技app any Fluke 700 g series pressure gauge (1000 psi (69 bar) or lower), so as to form a complete pressure test suite
- Use 700 inhibits PTP - 1 test the pump can produce up to 600 psi (40 bar) pressure
- Through high-quality connector (without tool) to 700 g series pressure gauge connected directly to the contained inhibits PTP 1 hand pump
- Including used to connect to TTH 5 k 700, quality of the pressure equipment under test/transmitter hose test suite without tools and connectors
- Hard portable box to protect the pump and the pressure gauge, and maintain the connection between the pressure gauge and pump
Produc雷竞技appts overview: Fluke 700 ptpk2 pneumatic pressure test suite
Durable high quality pneumatic pump suite, can quickly obtain accurate test results, generate pressure up to 600 psi (40 bar).Including 700 inhibits PTP - 1 gas pump, hose and connector quality testing, as well as provide protection of hard portable box.
Mode雷竞技appl: Fluke 700 ptpk2 pneumatic pressure test suite
雷竞技appFluke 700 ptpk2
雷竞技appFluke ptpk2 700, quality, pneumatic pressure test suite